× Kinomap, Be on Track!
RobiRini66 Par RobiRini66

21.01 mi
702 ft

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K145 Iseo lake (Sebino) East side


Lake Iseo is a Lombard lake, located between Lake Garda to the east and Lake Como to the west. Its waters divide the borders of the provinces of Brescia (eastern shore) and Bergamo (western shore). It is a lake of glacial origin which downstream has a system of morainic hills, in concentric arrangement, formed by the deposit of debris, on which the area called Franciacorta, land of bubbles, now extends.

In the center it hosts Monte Isola, the largest lake island in Europe and its two satellite islets: San Paolo to the south and Loreto to the north.

Lake Iseo is part of a mountain context; it is in fact the gateway to Val Camonica, one of the largest Lombard valleys, known for the rock engravings of the Camuni, a population of the Neolithic era, and a destination for sporting and skiing excursions.

This route is characterized by very precise changes of slopes that make pedaling more realistic

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About this area Ride also :

143. Iseo lake Complete

144. Iseo Lake (Sebino) West Side

145. Iseo Lake (Sebino) Eastt Side


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